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About Us
Welcome to InPulse Partners

We specialize in support of innovation, technology transfer and internationalization of SMEs and clusters.
InPulse Partners is a Romanian owned private Ltd company founded in 2005 as a spin-off of the Programme for Economic Development and Employment run by the German Agency for Technical Assistance (gtz).
Since 2007 it has been acting as the official representative of the Fair of Leipzig and since 2008 of the Fair of Nürnberg. Since 2008, InPulse has been acting as a regional point of the Enterprise Europe Network as part of the RO4EUROPE consortium (2008-2014) and as part of the PROSME consortium (since 2015).
Apart of the main office in Bucharest, InPulse is represented by 2 branch offices in Timisoara (West region) and Brasov (Centre Region). Since 2017 the Brasov branch acts as a Technology Information Centre, officially accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Research and part of the Romanian Network of Innovation and Technology Transfer.
Since 2019 InPulse is a member of the newly established Walachia e Hub DIH, officially selected and recognised by the Romanian Authority for Digitalisation.

Our Portfolio
Recent Projects
ECCP is the European online hub for cluster stakeholders and the reference one-stop-shop for stakeholders...
Starting with 2022, InPulse is part of the Wallachia eHUB (WEH), a regional Digital Innovation Hub located in...
EEN has already established itself as the largest international network that helps businesses innovate...